
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2023

Affitrum is built on decentralized blockchain technology, and can provide more transparency and trust in digital advertising.

  Affitrum offers the potential to create a more efficient, personalized, and transparent advertising ecosystem that benefits both advertisers and users. However, it's essential to strike a balance between utilizing advanced technology and respecting users' privacy and consent to ensure the long-term sustainability of such advertising practice. UNIQUE BENEFITS OF AFFITRUM Affitrum can assist advertisers in generating creative content, such as ad copy, graphics, and videos. This capability allows for more diverse and engaging ad formats that capture the audience's attention. It can detect fraudulent activities, such as click fraud and ad impression fraud, more effectively than traditional methods. This helps ensure that the advertising budget is spent on genuine interactions with the target audience. Affitrum is built on decentralized blockchain technology, and can provide more transparency and trust in digital advertising. Smart contracts can be used to create verifiable an